Turnaround and Beyond

A Hopeful Future for the Small Membership Church

Turnaround and Beyond
Author Prof. Ron Crandall
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 12/2008
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9780687646999
Retail Price $25.99
Discount Price $17.49 (33% discount)
Since its publication in 1995, Ron Crandall’s Turnaround Strategies for the Small Church has become required reading for anyone striving to revitalize the ministry of a small membership congregation. That book was built on extensive interviews and studies conducted in dozens of small membership churches, across several denominations, that had experienced significant turnaround. In a new study Crandall has now returned to those congregations to see what it takes to make the turnaround work over a period of years. He has also interviewed leaders from several new congregations to enrich the book's view of what makes for a successful turnaround in the small membership congregation. Learning much from both churches who maintained significant growth in numbers and ministry, and those that failed to do so, he offers even more helpful insight to any congregational leader seeking to take a small membership church into a new phase of witness and mission.