Celebration & Experience in Preaching

Revised Edition

Celebration & Experience in Preaching
Author Prof. Henry H. Mitchell
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 9/2008
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9780687649198
Retail Price $22.99
Discount Price $15.49 (33% discount)
Henry H. Mitchell’s great contribution to the study of preaching has been his insistence that the homiletical practices of the Black church are gifts to the whole church. Nowhere has he made this point more forcefully than in Celebration and Experience in Preaching. In this classic text he advocates a way of preaching that genuinely engages all aspects of the congregation’s attention, especially the ability to both understand and to feel the sermon’s message. In this revised edition Mitchell builds on this groundbreaking work by examining in greater depth the multiple ways in which we experience the preached word, by defining the different kinds of claim on the behavior of the hearer that biblical texts express, and by exploring various genres of sermon to discover the concrete manifestations of celebration and experience.