The Old Testament and Ethics

A Book-By-Book Survey

The Old Testament and Ethics
Author Jacqueline E. Lapsley
Author Joel B. Green
Publication Date 12/2013
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9780801049354
Retail Price $28.00
Discount Price $24.99 (11% discount)
The acclaimed "Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics" ("DSE"), written to respond to the movement among biblical scholars and ethicists to recover the Bible for moral formation, offered needed orientation and perspective on the vital relationship between Scripture and ethics. This book-by-book survey of the Old Testament features key articles from the "DSE," bringing together a stellar list of contributors to introduce students to the use of the Old Testament for moral formation. It will serve as an excellent supplementary text. The stellar list of contributors includes Bruce Birch, Mark Boda, William Brown, Stephen Chapman, Daniel Harrington, and Dennis Olson.