A Spirituality of Homecoming

The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series

A Spirituality of Homecoming
Author Henri J. M. Nouwen
Publisher The Upper Room
Publication Date 1/2012
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9780835811149
Retail Price $9.99
Discount Price $7.79 (22% discount)
A Spirituality of Homecoming invites readers to open their hearts and minds to the voice of love that says, "Follow me."  When people follow the Lord, they find their true home with God.  This means they can be at home with themselves anywhere, even in a confusing world. 

In this brief book, Nouwen explores these facets of Christian discipleship: Conversion, Solidarity, Joy, Service, Freedom, Suffering, and Prayer.

The brilliance of Henri Nouwen's writing is its ability to help readers see clearly the simplicity and beauty of the spiritual life, beginning with the call to move closer to the heart of God and to dwell in the knowledge of God's love.  Because of its deep wisdom and pastoral sensitivity, A Spirituality of Homecing will be a helpful source of prayer and study for spiritual seekers, small groups and pastors.