Eucharist - eBook

Christ's Feast with the Church

Eucharist - eBook
Author Dr. Laurence Hull Stookey
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 12/2010
Binding E-Book
ISBN 9781426739019
Retail Price $27.99
Discount Price $18.79 (33% discount)
This book is envisioned as a follow up to Stookey's successful Baptism: Christ's Act in the Church, published in 1982. It will provide historical--theological perspective in a style that is "popular," rather than academically heavy; and, it will be ecumenical in scope, but with a concentration on Protestantism. The shared Calvinian eucharistic tradition of Presbyterians, UCC, and Methodists will be particularly explored. It will also provide material pertinent to preaching, study of the eucharist by laity, and practical local reform that implements recent revisions of denominational rites.