A Faith of Her Own

Women of the Old Testament

A Faith of Her Own
Author Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 5/2012
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9781426744648
Retail Price $16.99
In A Faith of Her Own: Women of the Old Testament, popular author J. Ellsworth Kalas focuses on women who were crucial—some in obvious and some in less obvious ways—to the story of the Old Testament. Kalas takes a look at several different women of the Old Testament. He examines the Scriptures to see what we can learn about them and from them, including their defining characteristics, how they fit into as well as shaped the Old Testament story, and how their stories of strength, courage, perseverance, and faith have shaped our lives as believers today.

Chapters include:
- The Ultimate First Lady (Eve)
- A Woman Who Married Trouble (Cain's wife)
- The Compleat Woman (Sarah)
- A Mother Who Played Favorites (Rebecca)
- They May Have Been Twins--But Not Identical (Leah & Rachel)
- The Original Big Sister (Miriam)
- Israel's First Female Prime Minister (Deborah)
- The Perfect In-Laws (Ruth & Naomi)
- The Ladies Chorus (The women of Bethlehem, Ruth 4:13-17)
- The Woman Who Saved a King (Abigail)
- Counselor to Kings and Clergy (Huldah)
- Two Young Women of Courage (Esther & an anonymous slave girl)

A discussion guide is included.