Tall Poppy

How to Lead without Losing Your Head

Tall Poppy
Author Holly McKissick
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 5/2013
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9781426752841
Retail Price $19.99
Discount Price $13.49 (33% discount)
In New Zealand, they have a saying: “Keep a low profile or, like the tall poppy, stand tall and get your head cut off.” While there are risks to standing out, there are also benefits: tall poppies have the best view and are positioned to have the clearest vision of the horizon. This practical book helps you weigh the costs and benefits of your leadership as you assess your own situation. It shows you how to move forward through inevitable conflict, while attending to the landmines and hazards of congregational life. After reading this book, you will lead with more confidence, better able to keep the vision and avoid distraction of immediate crises.