The Elephant in the Church - eBook

What You Don't See Can Kill Your Ministry

The Elephant in the Church - eBook
Author Mary Lynn Dell
Author Prof. Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 6/2013
Binding E-Book
ISBN 9781426771095
Retail Price $19.99
Discount Price $13.49 (33% discount)
A church can be a dangerous place. The perils may be so obvious, they become “elephants” standing in the fellowship hall, lurking in the sanctuary, ready to spring into the pastor’s study, and tromp out of the choir room. The word “elephant” stands for an obvious truth or issue that is ignored or unnamed—a blind spot. Yet we allow elephants to occupy a large amount of space in the minds and hearts of those that tiptoe around them. Discussing common blind-spots of congregations and church leaders, the authors provide examples and illustrations for how to stop these "elephants" from ruining a ministry.