happy? Streaming Video Session 3

what it is and how to find it

happy? Streaming Video Session 3
Author Matt Miofsky
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 4/2017
Binding Digital Media
ISBN 9781501831171
Retail Price $3.99
We all dream of being happy. If we could just lose the extra weight, get the job, buy the house, we could truly be happy. But over time, it begins to seem as though lasting happiness is unattainable. Despite our best efforts, true happiness will never be a reality for us. So how do we find lasting happiness and contentment in our lives? Maybe the answer isn’t in our own lives at all.

Matt Miofsky connects the existential question, “Am I happy?”, with basic theology and unexpected biblical texts. Starting with the book of Ecclesiastes, considering if any "thing" can make us happy, he explores the value of relationships, a forgiving lifestyle, living in the present, feeling gratitude, and learning to release control.

The DVD contains four video segments of 10-12 minutes each, featuring Matt Miofsky. The videos, when combined with the book, make an ideal 4-week group study. All video sessions are closed captioned. Leader Guide also available.