happy? Streaming Video Session 3
what it is and how to find it

Author | Matt Miofsky |
Publisher | Abingdon Press |
Publication Date | 4/2017 |
Binding | Digital Media |
ISBN | 9781501831171 |
Retail Price | $3.99 |
Matt Miofsky connects the existential question, “Am I happy?”, with basic theology and unexpected biblical texts. Starting with the book of Ecclesiastes, considering if any "thing" can make us happy, he explores the value of relationships, a forgiving lifestyle, living in the present, feeling gratitude, and learning to release control.
The DVD contains four video segments of 10-12 minutes each, featuring Matt Miofsky. The videos, when combined with the book, make an ideal 4-week group study. All video sessions are closed captioned. Leader Guide also available.