Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations
Revised and Updated
Author | Bishop Robert Schnase |
Publisher | Abingdon Press |
Publication Date | 5/2018 |
Binding | Book - Paperback |
ISBN | 9781501858871 |
Retail Price | $20.99 |
How are the Practices being used now, in new types of congregations? How has each Practice changed in the last decade? What new issues or concerns do leaders need to consider in relation to each Practice?
This revision provides leaders with a 'next step' look at the original practices. Schnase gathered ideas and other content from ministry leaders who have been using the Five Practices, and explains how those ideas work, how leaders adapted the principles to their own settings, and how they expanded them.
A new preface redefines 'Congregations' given their evolving nature. When the original book was written, the new forms of Christian community either did not exist or were barely known. The Five Practices are, however, just as essential to the new types of congregations as they were to the traditional church.
Since the original book, there is more variety, diversity, and experimentation in worship. The revised Five Practices includes material based on these new forms.
Small group study has always been important for intentional faith development. But since the original book, the nature of those groups has transformed to include secular settings and a wide variety of affinities profoundly affecting how faith leaders approach issues of faith development, and in many cases radically changes what they offer in their communities.
Imagine the topic of Risk-Taking Mission and Service before Black Lives Matter, the Syrian refugee crisis, and the Trump administration. This new version gives instruction and specific ideas for how we might best serve today’s world.