Stories by Willimon

Stories by Willimon
Author William H. Willimon
Edited by William H. Willimon
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 2/2020
Binding Book - Hardback
ISBN 9781501894145
Retail Price $25.99
Discount Price $17.49 (33% discount)
Will Willimon is known and read throughout the world for his riveting, edgy, witty, and provocative stories or parables. His most beloved, memorable, and impactful stories are presented in this collection. The Stories of Will Willimon will expose readers to joy, agony, thankfulness, greed, trust, fear, healing, suffering, laughter, weeping, yearning, irony, hatred, and love. Readers may see themselves or their friends at times in these stories. Fellow storytellers are likely to retell these stories to friends, family, colleagues, and churches. Preachers will find illustrative materials to support their sermons and all readers will be inspired by the insights into the Christian faith provided.