Lectio Divina - The Sacred Art

Transforming Words and Images into Heart-Centered Prayer

Lectio Divina - The Sacred Art
Author Christine Valters Paintner
Publication Date 6/2011
Binding Book - Paperback
ISBN 9781594733000
Retail Price $21.99
Discount Price $17.49 (20% discount)
Lectio divina, which means sacred reading, is an ancient contemplative practice of listening deeply to the voice of God in sacred texts. In recent years there has been a reclaiming of the riches of contemplative prayer forms of Western traditions. Through the practice of lectio divina you become present to each moment in a heart-centered way. Gradually, the practice of lectio expands your capacity to sense God's presence until all of life becomes a cascade of prayer.
Drawing on her own experience as a monk in the world, Christine Valters Paintner breaks open the movements of this spiritual practice. She makes them accessible to the contemporary reader who longs for a more pervasive experience of the holy in the everyday but lives far away from the sanctuary of a monastery. She includes simple, engaging and meaningful prayer experiences that include:

* A simple, heart-centered practice to connect with the infinite Source of compassion already dwelling within you for those times when you long to cultivate more kindness toward yourself

* A series of contemplative practices to reclaim the lost art of savoring, to listen to what is stirring deeply within your heart and to receive the gifts of silence

* Expanding lectio divina beyond scriptural texts to include visual art, music, nature and life experience

* Suggestions for group experiences and times of retreat