The New Adapters - eBook

Shaping Ideas to Fit Your Congregation

The New Adapters - eBook
Author Adam Hamilton
Author Jacob Armstrong
Author Rev. Dr. Mike Slaughter
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 4/2015
Binding E-Book
ISBN 9781630883249
Retail Price $17.99
Discount Price $11.99 (33% discount)
Learn how new and
young pastors from across the country are translating eight time-tested
principles of church leadership. Adam Hamilton and Mike Slaughter
introduce each principle and discuss its importance in their ministries.
Author Jacob Armstrong then shows how the principle works in new
contexts today. The New Adapters is full of energy, wisdom, and stories of hope.
“If you have wondered
what adaptive leadership looks like in practice, here it is. Jacob
Armstrong offers a road map for reaching the mission field, writing with
honesty, clarity, humility, and a heart attuned to the gospel. He
invites us into a conversation with Adam Hamilton and Mike Slaughter
that is both substantial and practical. Gather a team around you and let
this book guide you to become New Adapters!” —Bishop Bill McAlilly,
Nashville Episcopal Area of The United Methodist Church
The New Adapters
is a fantastic read — a clarion call for what is needed in
congregations today. It will immediately start to shift the way you
think about ministry.” —F. Douglas Powe Jr., Professor and Associate
Director of the Center for the Missional Church, Wesley Theological
Seminary, Washington, DC
“A wonderful,
hopeful, and practical volume for pastors, laity, and judicatory leaders
who want to facilitate and participate in adaptive change. Armstrong
draws wisdom from practitioners while refusing to offer a cookie cutter
for the church.” —Elaine A. Heath, McCreless Professor of Evangelism,
Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
“This practical book
should be in every church leader’s library. Armstrong invites us to
reclaim our love for the church, practice Holy Spirit dependence, and
become New Adapters in living the mission of Jesus Christ. Jacob is
calling us toward a new kind of church, one that gives me hope for the
future!” —Bishop Mark J. Webb, Upper New York Episcopal Area of The
United Methodist Church