Streaming Video Session 2

Growing Up Black, Male, and Christian in the Hood

Streaming Video Session 2
Author Chris McNair
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 3/2021
Binding Digital Media
ISBN 9781791000042
Retail Price $3.99
Sometimes we confuse the idea that we are all equal with the idea that we are all the same. Being equal and being alike are two entirely different concepts. Chris McNair has worked with at-risk African American boys in the inner city for over thirty years of ministry. Although all youth may be created equal, he learned that we must discern how to address the social, emotional, physical and spiritual issues facing young black men in order to build a relational ministry. The seven-session study includes a Participant Guide with Leader Helps and a DVD with activities and discussion questions.

In this session, through moving images of an African Jesus, viewers think more deeply about what Christ “looks like”. Imagine if he looked like me?

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