Worship & Song Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - PDF Download

Publisher | Abingdon Press |
Publication Date | 2/2011 |
Binding | Digital Media |
ISBN | 9790300602707 |
Retail Price | $10.99 |
Themes: Justifying Grace; Assurance; forgiveness; freedom; love
Each Worship & Song digital bundle includes:
- Pew Edition PDF - designed for congregational use
- Singer's Edition PDF - includes two-, three-, and four-part harmonies, descants, and optional endings
- Accompaniment Edition PDF - features keyboard parts that support the melody and harmonies included in the Singer's Edition
- Lead Sheet PDF - includes melody line, text, and chords for guitar or other instrumentalists
- Presentation files - includes two PowerPoint files. One containing the song lyrics on a blank background and another with the lyrics in front of a worshipful image.
"Amazing Grace: My Chains Are Gone"
Worship & Song #3104
WORDS: John Newton (sts.), refrain by Chris Tomlin, and Louie Giglio
MUSIC: Traditional American melody; refrain and arr. by Chris Tomlin and Louis Giglio
Refrain and arr. © 2006 worshiptogether.com Songs / sixsteps Music (ASCAP), Vamos Publishing (ASCAP), admin. at EMICMGPublishing.com