Hands on
Life is not lived on the sidelines and neither is faith. Each day we encounter myriad opportunities to exemplify what we truly believe. Sometimes we consciously decide not to step up; other times we may not see or be aware of our opportunities to respond. And then other times we simply may not have the gifts or talents to help. Recently an airline passenger with significant challenges couldn’t communicate with the airline staff, so another passenger who possessed just the right gifts stepped in to save the day.
Tim Cook, who is both blind and deaf, was traveling home to Portland, Oregon. Several passengers had tried their best to make him more comfortable on his journey, including a man who gave up his aisle seat to Cook. Still, the flight attendants needed someone who actually could communicate with Cook. “A flight attendant asked over the PA system in the plane if any passengers knew American Sign Language (ASL) to ring their call button.”
Stepping up
Fortunately, Clara Daly, a fifteen-year-old girl, and her mom, Jane, were on the plane because their original flight was canceled. Clara had been taking American Sign Language for a year and volunteered to help the flight staff. Clara ended up sign-spelling words into Cook’s hands! “I went to [Cook] a total of three times, once to get him water, another to tell him the time, and the last hour of the flight to just talk to him. We talked about our family in Massachusetts and he asked me about my plans for my future,” Clara said.
Angel on board
Following the flight, an airlines attendant declared: “Clara was amazing! You could tell Tim was very excited to have someone who could speak to him and she was such an angel.” Surely, all those on board who witnessed Clara helping Mr. Cook were inspired to see this young lady’s selfless, hands-on approach in doing what she could to help a fellow passenger.
Clara’s example is worthy of remembering as we walk through our busy lives. Seemingly small expressions of service to one another can shine the light of our faith into dim circumstances.
Question of the day: How are your hands serving?
Focal scriptures: James 2:14-17; Mark 8:22-26; Luke 5:12-16.
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