Reaching Out Like a New Church, Whatever Your Age!

by Jacob Armstrong
As I made the drive from my house to a local city park on the Saturday before Easter, I noticed church after church hosting their annual Easter egg hunts. The parking lots were… read more

El Ministerio de la Palabra Escrita - Ministerio series AETH

by Asociacion Para La Education, Association for Hispanic Theological Education, Dr. Justo L. Gonzalez
El ministerio de la palabra escrita constituye una guía práctica para todas las personas que estén contemplando la idea de escribir y publicar un libro. De una manera amena y… read more

In Babylon: Holy Living Amidst Empire

by Walter Brueggemann
Our capacity to let the Bible be contemporary among us depends on spotting imaginative analogies between our time and ancient time. One such analogue is the notion that Christians … read more

Welcoming Time Share Christians

by Gil Rendle
With uncommon clarity, the Episcopal rector listened to the complaints from the leaders of the children's Christian education program. They were frustrated with curriculum that… read more

Preaching to Contemporary Culture

by Mark Beeson
Every morning we wake up, it's 2008. We can wish it was 1952. We may long for the good old days. But like it or not, God has ordained that our preaching will be leveraged against… read more

Becoming a Contagious Church

by Mark Mittelberg
Discover a Proven Approach to Raising Your Church s Evangelistic Temperature Evangelism. It s one of the highest values in the church. So why do so few churches put real effort… read more
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