Sermon Series: Our Baptismal Vows

by Jennifer H. Williams
3 Week Series Week 1: Prayer: An Oprah-Style Sermon Colossians 1:1-14 What is prayer? We will explore this question in an “Oprah-style” sermon. That means it… read more

Keys for Missional Church

by Tom Berlin
The "missional DNA" of Floris United Methodist Church has been one of the keys to our growth and vitality. Fruitfulness in mission has had a dramatic impact on everything from… read more

Life With God

by Skye Jethani
I had not met Joel before he came to my office for what he called “spiritual advice.” A middle aged man with some success at business, Joel described himself as a… read more

Social Media as Rallying Tool

by Pete Wilson
This week in Ministry Matters' video series featuring pastors and ministry leaders across America is Pete Wilson, lead pastor of Cross Point Church, a fast-growing, multi-site… read more

Not-So-Great Expectations

by Shane Raynor
Have you ever noticed that some people become negative when the conversation turns to spiritual matters? I’m an optimist, and I like to encourage people to stretch… read more

Whole-Personed Spirituality

by Pastor's Bible Study®
Mark 12:28-34; Matthew 22:34-40; Luke 10:25-29 The two great commandments, whether cited by Jesus (as in Mark and Matthew) or by his questioner (as in Luke), remind us that a… read more
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