Ministers Matter (the blog tour!)

October is Clergy Appreciation Month, and Ministry Matters is kicking it off with a blog tour celebrating all the unsung heroes of ministry. We've asked some of your favorite leaders and authors to share about ministers who made a difference in their lives—and you can do the same!
Check out our featured bloggers sharing their stories each day, and then share your own story through the link-up below!
OCT 1 Grace Biskie
OCT 2 Max Lucado
OCT 3 Mike Glenn
OCT 4 Matthew Paul Turner
OCT 5 Pete Wilson
OCT 8 Jessica LaGrone
OCT 9 Ron Edmondson
OCT 10 Adam Hamilton
OCT 11 Mike Slaughter
OCT 12 Shawn Wood
Now it's your turn!
Follow these two simple steps:
1. Blog about a minister that made a difference in your life.
What pastor, Sunday school teacher, youth director, seminary professor, or other church leader made a positive impact on your faith and your life? What did you learn about ministry from that person?
2. Follow the instructions below to add your link. Your link and thumbnail will appear below.
The Linky Tools widget will stay open until midnight on October 14—Clergy Appreciation Sunday—so blog, share your story, and honor a minister who mattered to you!