VBS: Hard Work, but Worth It!

I have had a team of people working with me for months getting ready for the twelve hours we will spend with the kids the week of Vacation Bible School.
Stuff has been piling up in offices for weeks. People have been cutting out craft items. Others have cut clay, donated items, and generously given of their time.
I have no idea how many people or how many hours has gone into this year’s VBS but I know many people have worked hard!
I can’t help but wonder if the kids will ever know just how much work goes into everything we do for them. They don’t have a clue that all these people have given hours of time so that they will feel loved and have a good time during VBS.
And I think that is the point of it all. This is pure love. Doing for others without expecting anything in return. Making the week extra special for children because they are extra special. And creating a space where every child is welcomed cared for and where they can experience God.
I hope they never find out how much hard work went into the week. I never want them to, for one-second, wonder if we did it because we “had”to. And I hope that when these little ones smile, laugh and hug us, we know that when we love, love is always returned.
Get ready for Vacation Bible School!