Moving into 2016: God is with us
A year consists of 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, and more than 31,000,000 seconds. World, national, state and local events currently are being reviewed and evaluated in the media; and reporters, politicians, as well as ordinary folk are speculating as to whether or not the year will be classified as the best, good, or bad.
So far the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds of 2015 have been filled with ups, downs, twists, turns, trepidation and fear. Extreme violence, hateful political exchanges and devastating poverty have been among the issues at the forefront of this year. Overwhelming negativity has tried to dominate the news, but mercifully stories of community service, kindness and great generosity have served as a welcome relief from the proverbial bad news. As public events are reviewed, let’s remember to conduct a more personal review of the events that have taken place in our individual lives.
God is with us
A year can be experienced as going by quickly or slowly, depending upon what is happening in a person’s life and his or her anticipation or dread of those events. When troubles and frustrations are present, one month can seem as long as 52 weeks. When life is running smoothly, 525,600 minutes can seem as short as one day. It is wise for Christians to conduct a personal review of the year in light of Christ’s presence and nature. It is helpful that Christmas comes so close to the end of the year and the approach of a new one. The close proximity reminds us that another name for Jesus is Immanuel, which means “God is with us” — through each of the 31,000,000+ seconds. Scripture records Jesus teaching that there would be trouble in the world, but that we should not be dismayed because he has overcome the world. As we look back over the past year and gain closure regarding the public and personal events of 2015, remember that the same Savior who was with us during 2015 will be with us as we move with hope into 2016. Matthew 29:20 reminds us, “Look, I myself [Jesus] will be with you every day until the end of this present age.”
Question of the day: What will you remember most about 2015, and why?
Focal Scriptures: Psalm 105:1-2; Luke 15:17-20; Philippians 3:13
For a complete lesson on this topic visit LinC.