365 Meditations for Teachers by Teachers - eBook

by Abingdon Press, Sally D. Sharpe
365 Meditations for Teachers by Teachers offers a year’s worth of short daily meditational readings written specifically for teachers, by teachers. Four different writers of… read more

Preschool Spirituality

by Leanne Ciampa Hadley
I have spent my entire ministry studying, working with, and trying to understand the spiritual lives of children and how, as the church, we can best help them grow into adults who … read more

Christian Education? What's That?

by Transformation Information
What images come to mind when you hear the words Christian education? Are your first thoughts of children, youth, and adults in classrooms studying the Bible? For many of us the… read more

"Behold, the Gospel of the Lord!”

by Jean G. Hawxhurst
One of many fond memories of the urban congregation with whom I currently serve happened during our practice of Holy Communion one Sunday morning. A new family came forward to… read more

It Matters How a Congregation Thinks

by Tim Shapiro
Members of the worship committee are arguing. Madeline, a member since 1965 says “Look, it makes no sense to do away with the confession of sin.” Howie, who owns the … read more

Thinking Like Disciples

by William Obalil
Peter Drucker says there are just two questions: What's our business? and How's our business? Our business is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. To know how we're doing, we need… read more
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