Reaching the Hip-Hop Generation

by Emanuel Cleaver III
It is no secret that young adults are noticeably missing in the pews of many Christian congregations around the country. Among this generation of missing in action churchgoers is… read more

What Do You Dream?: Parenting and Congregational Care of Teens

by Charles Scully Stikes
How often do we ask our children, “What do you dream?” Not asking that question was a mistake I used to make. Now, I ask quite regularly. My work involves helping… read more

Helping them Hear the Call and Prepare for the Career: Raising Up Young People for Ministry

by Julie Peters
  In a time when the mainline church, including the United Methodist Church, is facing aging congregations and decline in membership, it becomes even more apparent that we… read more

Ready-to-Go Youth Group Activities - eBook

Subscription Only
by Rev. Todd Outcalt
Ready-Made Event Packages...Just Add Youth GroupFULLY LOADEDAll Options, Extras & Side Items IncludedThese ready-made event packages are completely accessorized with everything… read more

Ready-to-Go School's Out - eBook

Subscription Only
by Rev. Todd Outcalt
One of the biggest challenges in youth ministry is finding effective ways to minister to teenagers during school breaks and summer vacations—those times when the usual routines… read more

How to Hire an Awesome Youth Director

by John E. Harnish
So I asked my clergy friends from around the country “Where would you go to find a really good youth pastor?” After the groans, the responses generally fell into one… read more
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