Daily Prayer Services for the Domestic Church (Lent through Pentecost)
“Domestic Church” refers to the family as a “little church,” a term that dates back to the first century (Greek ecclesiola ). As we are using it, “domestic church” refers not only to family, but to any group of Christians who meet apart from the gathered community of a church for prayer and worship. This includes single persons who bring to their solitary prayer and worship a sense of being a part of the family of the larger community of faith, as well as digitally gathered groups.
These services are available as a PDF download below. They may be done alone, with another, as a family or in a digitally-gathered community.
This resource is ©2020 by The Order of Saint Luke. Adapted from A Lukan Book of Feasts and Holy Days, OSL Publications, 2017. Permission granted for reproduction in print or on the web by including this permission statement. If you find this resource helpful, you may wish to order a copy from Amazon or directly from oslpublications@gmail.com.