Worship Elements: August 18, 2024
13th Sunday after Pentecost
COLOR: Green
SCRIPTURE READINGS: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58
The primary theme of these texts is the myriad ways God provides for our needs. The psalm highlights the provision of food and the covenant by recalling manna in the wilderness and the giving of the law at Sinai. The narrative of David’s death indicates God’s provision for an heir. In the Gospel of John, Christ provides his own flesh and blood as the gift of eternal life. Paul’s letter to Ephesus reminds us that the provision of the Holy Spirit is from God. The secondary theme of these texts is our response to the provision of God through praise and thanksgiving.
Call to Worship (Ephesians 5)
As we gather in this sacred moment for a sacred purpose,
let us make the most of our time together.
We have come to worship the Lord our God.
As we sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
let us make the most of our time together.
We have come to worship the Lord our God.
As we respond to the melody in our hearts,
let us make the most of our time together.
We have come to worship the Lord our God.
Opening Prayer (1 Kings 3)
O Lord our God,
though we are as little children,
not fully able to discern the spiritual forces
coming in and out of our lives,
you have chosen us as your people.
Give your servants understanding minds
to discern between the good and evil
surrounding us each day,
that we may choose what is good and pleasing
in your sight. Amen.
Prayer of Confession (Ephesians 5, John 6, Psalm 111)
Lord, we have lived as unwise people.
God, forgive us for wasting time.
We have been foolish.
Jesus, forgive us for not understanding your will.
We have filled ourselves with the wine of worldliness.
Holy Spirit, forgive us for not being filled with you.
We have forsaken your spiritual food.
Great Triune God of grace, forgive us for not drawing
our strength from your bread of heaven.
Almighty God, please add to your mighty deeds
by forgiving our transgressions. Amen.
Words of Assurance (Psalm 111)
The Lord is gracious to us and gentle.
The Lord heals our souls with love.
The Lord is merciful,
providing spiritual food for the hungry.
Be healed in your hearts and be fed in your souls
by the forgiveness found in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Passing the Peace of Christ (1 Kings 2, 3)
As the Lord provided peace for David’s child Solomon, God has provided peace for us as beloved sons and daughters. Let us now bless one another with the peace of God’s presence.
Response to the Word (John 6)
We have heard the word of God today.
It is a taste of the bread from heaven.
We have experienced the joy of worship.
It is a taste of the cup of salvation.
We have experienced God’s provision for our life.
It is a taste of eternal life.
Invitation to Communion (John 6)
In a world hungry from spiritual anemia, where can real food be found? For those who starve for love, where can unconditional and everlasting love be found? For those who yearn for hope, where can hope be found? For those who crave acceptance and tolerance, where can true acceptance and tolerance be found? Seek the food that God has provided. Eat the bread of life, which has come down from heaven. Drink the cup of salvation, the promise of God’s love. Eat, drink, and be satisfied.
Communion Liturgy (Ephesians 5)
Gathered around the communion meal,
we give thanks for food that truly satisfies.
We give thanks through the singing
of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
Gathered around the Lord’s table,
we give thanks for the gift of eternal life.
We give thanks through the melody in our hearts
and the joy in our souls.
Gathered around the heavenly banquet,
we give thanks for the tune of the ages,
even Jesus Christ our Lord.
Benediction (1 Kings 3)
Grant us, O Lord, understanding minds,
that we might know how to live.
Grant us discerning hearts,
that we might know the difference
between good and evil,
and how we might live to please you.
Grant us, O Lord, peace and prosperity all our days,
to the glory of your name.
Contemporary Gathering Words (Ephesians 5)
Time slips away like water in the hand,
or a balloon lifted into the sky.
We think there is plenty,
but then it is gone, wasted.
So it is the will of God
that we invest our time wisely
in the divine work of worship.
Today we lift our voices and raise our hands,
seeking to be filled with the Spirit,
in the name of Jesus Christ.
Praise Sentences (Psalm 111)
Great are the works of the Lord,
They make our head spin with wonder!
Communion Poem, “Repose”
The altar table’s meal is spread,
Holy Communion, wine and bread.
The minister preaches rising from the dead.
In solemn thought I bow my head.
The chalice catches bright sunshine,
filled with dark eucharistic wine.
Jesus Christ invites us to dine.
I feel the chill run down my spine.
On the floor in bended knee,
I give the Lord all of me.
With prayer made in sincerity,
My soul sobs for eternity.
From “The Abingdon Worship Annual 2009,” edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © 2008 by Abingdon Press.