Worship Elements: May 15, 2022

January 10th, 2022

Fifth Sunday of Easter

COLOR: White
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35


These scriptures proclaim both the power of God, who creates all that is, and the love of God for all people. Through a vision, God shows Peter that the Gentiles are to be included in the promises of Jesus Christ. The psalmist calls all creation to praise its creator. In Revelation, we hear that God’s home is among people and we receive the promise that grief will be no more. In John’s Gospel, Jesus
gives his disciples the commandment to love one another.


Call to Worship (Psalm 148)

Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens.
Praise God from the heights!
Praise the Lord, you angels.
Sing praise, you heavenly host!
Praise the Lord, O sun and moon.
Join in song, O shining stars!
Praise the Lord, snow and rain.
Blow loud, wind and storm!
Praise the Lord, O trees.
Dance with joy, O birds!
Praise the Lord, women and men.
Rejoice, children and rulers!
Praise the Lord, weak and strong.
Sing for joy, timid and bold!
Praise the Lord, mothers and aunts.
Give praise, grandfathers and cousins!
Let all creation praise God’s name!
Praise the Lord!

Opening Prayer (Revelation 22, John 13)

Alpha and Omega,
you make your home with us,
you dry our tears and quench our thirst,
you are the tender love
that welcomes all people.
Like a mother,
you nurture your children,
giving them life,
teaching them to love.
Come and dwell among us,
and make all things new. Amen.


Prayer of Confession (Acts 11, John 13)

God of all people,
our hearts are too narrow,
our perspectives are too small.
We reject those who are not like us—
those with different political opinions,
those who struggle with mental illness,
those who disagree with us.
We forget that all are your beloved children,
and neglect your call to love one another.
Forgive us, O God,
for the many ways we have failed
to be a people known by our love.
Show us how to be more caring.
Teach us how to love one another,
and make us faithful disciples. Amen.

Words of Assurance (Acts 11, Revelation 21)

God dwells among us,
giving to all who believe
the repentance that leads to life.
Rejoice in the Lord,
for we are a forgiven people.

Passing the Peace of Christ (Acts 11)

Peter discovered that all are included in God’s welcome. Share this welcome with those around you. May Christ’s peace be with us all.

Response to the Word (Acts 11)

Loving God,
we are often upset
by people who are not like us—
those who think differently,
those who act differently,
those who speak differently.
Our parched hearts are thirsty for your love.
Our dry spirits are thirsty for your waters of life.
Pour your love over us and transform us,
that we may embrace all people as your own. Amen.


Invitation to the Offering (Acts 11, John 13)

God has given us the gift of faith. Through this gift we see all people as God’s children. Respond to God’s generous love, that we may love one another as God has loved us. Let us share this love as we bring our tithes and offerings.

Offering Prayer (John 13)

Loving God,
you have given us the task
to love one another.
May the gifts we offer
bring love and life to others.
May the love we share
bring hope to a world
that has forgotten how to love. Amen.

Invitation to Communion (Acts 11, Revelation 21)

As God revealed to Peter, the table is open to all. Jesus offers gifts of bread and wine to all who believe. When we gather here, we have a glimpse of the holy city, where God is at work making all things new. The one who is the Alpha and the Omega invites us to the banquet.


Benediction (John 13)

Jesus gave a new commandment:
to love one another.
Because Jesus loves us,
we should love one another.
Go forth to serve.
Go forth to love.
We go with God’s love and blessing.


Contemporary Gathering Words (Psalm 99)

Praise the Lord, all you people!
Praise the Lord, all you men,
women, and children!
Praise the Lord, all you citizens of God!
Praise the Lord, all you young
and old alike!
Praise the Lord, all you creatures!
Praise the Lord, all you sea monsters
and fish of the deep!
Praise the Lord, all you lands!
Praise the Lord, all you mountains,
forests, and meadows!
Let everything that is praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!

Praise Sentences (Revelation 21)

God is the Alpha and the Omega,
the beginning and the end!
God revives us with water from the spring of life.
God makes all things new.
God dwells with us.
Death is no more.
Praise be to God!

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