Ideas for Elementary School-Aged Children

“This will be our reply to violence: To make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.” —Leonard Bernstein
These activities can be done in a classroom setting, at church or at home.
Children are very aware of and comforted by the song "Amazing Grace," which is used even in military funerals, often played on bagpipes.
- Have children play on recorders or other instruments the melody for "Amazing Grace" or hum the tune if no instruments are available.
- Avoid singing the words "Saved a wretch like me."
- Have them create new words for the melody in response to what they may be feeling concerning the events of the new Boston Massacre.
- Give them an opportunity to sing the new words with the melody.
- Add soft drumming with a steady beat and finger cymbals.
Admit that life can be dangerous.
- Help children feel safe by reading one of their favorite stories.
- Share the original reasons for the very popular song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight." It is originally a lullaby. You can still hear that in the lyrics "Hush, child; hush, darling!" South African children were encouraged that they could sleep, no fears, because the lion who is on the prowl during the day (admitting danger), is sleeping at night.
- Play a clip or recording of the song, such as LadysmithBlack Mambazo/Mint Julep
- Invite children to talk about how that makes them feel.
- Play a clip from "The Lion King," showing animals of every kind living together peacefully.
For Children Grades K-3
- Provide paper and drawing material for the children.
- Briefly update students on current events in the least threatening manner possible, perhaps just asking what they know.
- As they listen to a calming, comforting musical selection such as Claude Debussy's "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun," have children create pictures of what they may be feeling.
- Allow them to tell about what they have drawn.
- Be able to tell parents about any very strong fears children may have.
- Have them take the pictures home.
For Children Grades 4-6
- Have older elementary children compose poems about what they are feeling concerning the Boston Massacre.
- Have them compose a new melody, using the minor mode.
- Add rhythm instruments, using a steady beat as they work on their new creation.