Worship Elements: October 24, 2021

August 31st, 2021

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

COLOR: Green
SCRIPTURE READINGS: Job 42:1-6, 10-17; Psalm 34:1-8 (19-22); Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52


At first glance, these lections seem to have very little in common. Yet each carries an undercurrent of putting things right. The driving narrative is that of blind Bartimaeus: our desire for Christ is an act of faith that God uses to bring restoration. Jesus restores, but Bartimaeus’s desire and belief are necessary to make the restoration possible.


Call to Worship (Psalm 34)

Bless the Lord at all times.
Let everyone bless God.
Praise the Lord continually.
Let everyone praise Christ.
Our souls boast in the Lord.
We boast in the Spirit’s greatness.
With one voice, we magnify and exalt the Lord,
for God has delivered us and made us whole.
Exalt our God, the Lord of life.

Opening Prayer (Hebrews 7, Mark 10)

Great Triune God,
through Jesus Christ,
our great and eternal High Priest,
we give you praise and consecrate ourselves to follow you.
As we worship you
and celebrate your glorious resurrection,
open our eyes so that we may see —
open the eyes of our mind
to learning and understanding;
open the eyes of our heart,
to love and compassion;
open the eyes of our soul,
to see our spiritual selves
during our time of worship.


Prayer of Confession (Job 42, Psalm 34, Hebrews 7, Mark 10)

Mystical, transcendent God,
there is so much of life
we simply do not know.
In our arrogance,
we utter what we do not understand.
Rescue us, O Lord, from our afflictions.
Restore us, O God, from our self-inflicted wounds.
Have mercy on us, Son of David, Son of God,
and save us by your unending intercession.

Words of Assurance (Psalm 34, Hebrews 7, Mark 10)

Cry out to Christ, our great High Priest,
for he has saved us.
Our faith has made us well, brought us forgiveness,
and granted us peace.

Passing the Peace of Christ (Job 42)

That we may come through life’s ups and downs, live to a good and full age, and see God’s mercy to our children and children’s children, let us bless one another with these words of peace: “May you live to see God’s mercy to four generations.”

Response to the Word (Mark 10)

Like Jesus leaving Jericho,
your word has passed before us today.
Have mercy on us, Lord!
Others have told us to be quiet.
Many have tried to lure us away, yet we desire you.
Have mercy on us, Lord!
Then you spoke to us and called us by name,
filling us with your word.
Have mercy on us, Lord!
You ask us what we want, what we need.
There are so many things we hold in our heart:
home, family, health, our nation —
but you know our greatest need.
Lord, let us see as you see.
Have mercy on us, Lord! Amen.


Offering Prayer (Psalm 34, Job 42)

You invite us, God,
to taste and see that you are good.
Well, we have tasted
and you are truly good.
As a token of our gratitude
and a reflection of our devotion,
we give back to you from our abundance.
Multiply the gifts of our hands,
that they may double what we could do alone.
To the glory and service of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

We give you thanks this day
for the mighty and subtle ways
you work in the lives of your people.
You are a God who restores.
You restored Job from his misery.
You restored David from his afflictions.
You restored the true meaning of priesthood.
You restored Bartimaeus’s sight.
You restore families that are broken.
You restore ministries in peril.
You restore our souls with your Holy Spirit.
You restore the shattered hearts
that have forgotten how much
you love them.
Almighty Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
we thank you for what you have done,
are doing, and will do. Amen.


Benediction (Mark 10)

Go! Your faith has made you well.
We go, knowing that our faith
has been made stronger.
Go! Follow him on the way.
We go, knowing Jesus is the way.


Contemporary Gathering Words (Mark 10)

Take heart, Christ is calling us.
He beckons us to come . . .
Come near to him.
Stand before Christ.
“What do you want me to do?” he asks.
We have come here;
We're drawn here.
We desire to be here.
To have our sight restored.

Praise Sentences (Psalm 34)

Worship the Lord.
Look to the Lord.
We are not ashamed.

From “The Abingdon Worship Annual,” edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © Abingdon Press. 

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