Connecting with Deep Blue: June 4, 2017

May 21st, 2017

Resources for connecting your church’s Deep Blue kids with worship this Sunday. (For more information about Deep Blue visit

Lectionary Connections

Acts 2:1-21
Deep Blue Bible Storybook

You can find the story of Pentecost in the Deep Blue Bible Storybook on p. 446. A FREE printable activity for Older Elementary is also available here.

Psalm 104:24-34, 35b

Piggyback Psalm: “So Many Things”

Words: Emily La Branche Delikat, Based on Psalm 104 (CEB); Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”

Oh Lord, you have done so many things!
Oh Lord, you have done so many things!
The whole earth is full of your creations!
Oh Lord, you have done so many things!

Oh Lord, you made the sea, wide and deep.
Oh Lord, you made the sea, wide and deep.
You made all the creatures, all the creatures big and small.
Oh Lord, you made the sea, wide and deep.

Rejoice and sing praises to our God!
Rejoice and sing praises to our God!
Rejoice in God and all that God has made.
Rejoice and sing praises to our God!

Sunday School Connections

Unit 1: Courageous Bible People

Bible Verse: “Hope in the Lord! Be strong and let your heart take courage.” (Psalm 27:14)
Bible Story: Pentecost (Acts 2:1-41)

Read the story in the Deep Blue Kids Bible from Acts 2:1-41 or in the Deep Blue Bible Storybook pp. 446-448.

From the “All Hands on Deck” resource for parents written by Brittany Sky:

“Although as Christians we celebrate Pentecost as the day God sent the Spirit to the followers of Jesus, Pentecost is not a holiday that originated with Christianity. Pentecost was a Jewish festival known as the Feast of Weeks. Pentecost was one of three pilgrimage feasts when Jews gathered in Jerusalem. Jesus had told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit. During this time of waiting in Jerusalem, the disciples and other followers were celebrating Pentecost. While they were celebrating, the Spirit arrived. The arrival of the Spirit was not a calm quiet event, but rather the Spirit came sounding like a violent wind and appearing like fire. The concept of the Holy Spirit is sometimes a difficult one for children and adults to understand. It is okay to admit to your children that you don’t have all the answers. Mystery is a part of faith.” [Check out the free printable “All Hands on Deck” resource.]

Bonus Piggyback Psalm: “Be Strong”

The Bible verse for this Unit is Psalm 27:14. Use this Piggyback Psalm to help your children memorize the verse.

Words: Emily La Branche Delikat, Based on Psalm 27:14; Tune: “The Bear Went Over the Mountain”

Be strong! Let your heart take courage!
Be strong! Let your heart take courage!
Be strong! Let your heart take courage!
Hope in the Lord!

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