Preaching An Act of Worship

by Gennifer Benjamin Brooks
Preaching is an act of Christian worship. It is an elemental part of the content of the liturgy. Melded into the rhythm of worship, the preacher participates with the… read more

Celebrating Holy Communion

by Barbara Thorington Green
If the focus of Communion is on our sin and Jesus' death, do we miss the goodness of food and life? My daughters had tea parties while practicing for womanhood. We have Holy… read more

Do This (at least weekly) in Remembrance of Me

by Joseph W. Daniels Jr.
Like with most of us, the celebration of the Lord's Supper on first Sundays has always had great significance to my spiritual journey. Remembering the life, death, and… read more

Sure and Real Is the Grace: How Often at the Table?

by Don E. Saliers
I recall vividly going with my grandmother to the quarterly Methodist “Holy Communion” services in my home church. The wooden pews were not padded and the service was… read more

The Second Bread: A Story of Sacramental Mystery

by James A. Campbell
The worst of times. People were eating their dogs. Children were fainting in school. Fuel for heating was gone. Makeshift stoves consumed wood torn from buildings. The Chukotka… read more

Planting a Church with Two Different Worship Styles

by Nancy Woods
It was little more than a postscript to a lecture, but it struck a chord. “Somebody,” he said, “ought to launch a church with two different services from the… read more
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